I don't think there could be a better time to reevaluate the undead with the unholy hype of such series as..."Twilight", Which in my opinion has tainted the thoughts of this immortal creature. This book, in my opinion had the best outlook on a vampire, just hearing his lifetime.
Louis, the Vampire who's sitting for an interview with this boy discusses from the beginning of him as a human and how it all started for him. I thought the way it was written, with the "memory" idea, where we are traveling back with Louis as he remembers his years of being human and how it led up to him becoming a vampire. Then the transition of being trained by another vampire Lestat, and how after the basic lessons he has the feeling of detachment, and doesn't feel anything towards his mentor. As well as betrayal and the lost of a good friend makes this grow stronger. This feeling is something he truly realizes at the end, that a vampire's life is one that should be lived alone.