Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman

I loved the thought of the incarnations of gods disguised as normal people first and foremost. Fat Charlie, wasn't the most lovable character. Though you do feel very sorry for him throughout most of the novel. Especially when you find out he's not embed with his father's powers, his brother was. A brother he never knew about known as "Spider", which happen to morn their father over a drunken stupor. Then proceeds to "save his ass" by going to work for him as he slept him self to sobriety, then screws him by screwing his fiancée, literally.

I thought the way the roles changed between Charlie and Spider were great. The fact that Spider lives his life, by working at the end, but with his love Rosie (Charlie's ex). and Charlie and his great career as a singer who marries Daisy, and gets to live the life he deserved. Great twist of things. I would say the integration of the gods in this humanistic play of man (love/greed) was nearly perfect.

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